3 Ways companies can give back to communities
Social responsibility and community support activities are matters of great importance that companies have applied in various campaigns.
With generations of individuals and entities increasingly aware of the different foundations and causes, dissemination and support are presented at a faster pace.
In the awakening of the crises that have arisen in recent years, the BBB Wise Giving Alliance found that the millennial and Z generations were the ones that most supported health causes, natural disasters, and international conflicts.
They are also the generation of professionals that support more causes when they either practice or start a business.
A series of actions driven mainly by digital media, social networks and advertising campaigns.
Also, considering that they are the generations currently forming the new workforce, it would make sense for companies to add these issues of interest to their agenda for the benefit of society.
Taking this into account, we share three ways in which causes have been supported to help our communities.
Help the pets:
Who doesn’t like animals? If it’s some phobia or medical condition, I doubt there’s any other explanation why someone wouldn’t love our beautiful pets.
They have become great companions in life, but unfortunately, the presence of stray animals has presented itself as a problem on several levels.
With more than 200 million stray dogs worldwide, the efforts made by governments regularly are not enough.
Giving rise to organizations that disseminate and assist in care for dogs and cats in vulnerable situations.
During February and April, Redial BPO collaborated with the local organizations of Tijuana; Rescue Me and Huellitas Rescate.
This provides resources and improves the conditions of animals (dogs and cats) found on the street.
Both organizations make constant efforts to rescue and facilitate the adoption of people who are interested in providing a home for animals.
Certainly not an easy task, especially if done every day.
It has been confirmed the series of benefits that entails practicing sports at any age.
On the health side, it is indispensable for optimal physical and psychological development and even better if it starts early.
Beyond the health benefits, playing a sport also involves the development of many other skills.
Suppose you are a person or company that supports local communities or sports teams. In that case, you help directly with health and social -economic skills development.
The practice and promotion of these activities can encourage academic development and interpersonal relationships.
What am I talking about? To the essential elements that make up any sport. Teamwork, coordination, communication, respect, and more.
So, if you are interested in contributing to something that encompasses all kinds of community benefits, sports would be a great start.
School materials.
A few months ago, we made efforts to collect school supplies to attend Rancho La Hermosa and its community.
An orphanage that for several years has cared for abandoned children, providing them with a home, food, and education.
Our main objective was to reach the goal of recollecting diverse school supplies and a monetary contribution to each donated article.
Thanks to the help of our supportive redialers, we surpassed the goal.
Truly demonstrating that education and, therefore, academic improvement is considered.
Final thoughts:
Community support is an indispensable activity for any individual or entity wishing to make a legitimate contribution to their community.
Not only is it a way to give back, but it also represents that we take importance and understand complex situations that are part of our reality.
Interestingly, the arrival of digital tools and the growing interest of young adults have driven a demand to donate resources.
If you liked the ways of support mentioned and want to know more, we invite you to read more of our blogs.
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