Why Your Company Needs a Bilingual Call Center
Why Your Company Needs a Bilingual Call Center? Call Centers and Customer Service continue to be one of the pillars to ensure that business grows and retains the current client base, it is the fastest and most efficient way for clients to interact with your business and acquire the services and products that they need.
Numbers in 2017 give us a better idea of how much of an impact a Bilingual Call Center can have in improving the reach of your business. The study shows that in the United States at least 22% of the population, approximately 67 million, speak a second language aside from English.
For this reason, the growth of Bilingual Call Centers has become a key factor in improving the quality of service and expanding the outreach of your business towards an ever-increasing pool of clients.
Four key factors make Bilingual Customer Service valuable for the growth of your business.
Offering a Branded and Personalized Service
While English continues to be one of the most spoken languages it is a delight to clients when they can engage with your business in their native language.
Ensuring that this is available to your clients gives them reassurance that their business is important and allows them to convey ideas that they may otherwise not be able to communicate to you.
Additionally having an engagement with someone that speaks fluidly as they do in their native languages gives confidence and a new perspective on how they can acquire services and products from you.
To put this into perspective, a study performed in 2014 showed that 78% of clients would prefer a company that offered them Customer Service and other interactions in their native language, when evaluating the situation if 8 out of 10 clients would rather do their business anywhere else if they cannot do it by interacting with someone that they feel will understand them.
Lowering Abandon Rates
Many key factors will make a client take the decision to abandon their intentions to perform business with you or for current clients to look elsewhere for products and services.
By having a Bilingual Customer Service team there is a new middle ground for understanding the needs and requirements, complaints, and interactions for your clients with your business.
In turn, this opens new pathways that link directly to language and cultural situations in which a monolingual team would not be able to engage in the same manner.
This situation applies to both existing and upcoming clients but there are different interactions.
Retaining Existing Clients
For existing clients, the possibility of engaging with a Bilingual Customer Service team is a clear option for them to have their voices heard in a way that makes them feel sure that communication is going through the proper channels.
While new clients may avoid engaging your business if they cannot convey their ideas properly it is the current client base that may look elsewhere to businesses that can interact with them through the same language.

With the Hispanic population in the United States having an expected expenditure power of 1.7 trillion dollars for 2020 and currently standing at 18% of the current United States population it is definitely clear why having a team that can engage fluently is a key factor in ensuring your business grows and expands exponentially.
Increase Brand Loyalty
With everything that has been said so far there is one final item that is potentially the largest key factor in choosing a Billingual Customer Service option for your Customer Service.
Client loyalty is what ensures that businesses continue on their route to excellence and exponential growth, having a business that provides clients service in their language a great way to improve customer loyalty, combined with great customer service, rapid response times, and a service that continues on giving, it is no surprise that clients will always look for this option and choose it over others that do not have it as an option.
Final Thoughts
It is no surprise that businesses are always looking for new ways to improve their current service and look for a partner that can provide what they need, and more.
For this reason, our current services will always provide you with quality service through a Billingual Customer Service option and ensure that your business grows and your clients are satisfied.
[1] https://www.jivochat.com/blog/marketing/advantages-of-multilingual-customer-service.html
[2] https://www.statista.com/statistics/251438/hispanics-buying-power-in-the-us/
[3] https://www.statista.com/statistics/270272/percentage-of-us-population-by-ethnicities/