The importance of promoting well-being in your organization
We all (or should) have as a main objective, develop a work culture that encourages the general well-being of employees.
The employee will always be the basis of production, and production is what will give the company results and, indeed, a return on investment if the conditions in which they find themselves are appropriate.
So, it makes sense that if we make sure that the foundation of everything feels right, then everyone can win.
That is why, on this occasion, we will address why it is essential to promote wellness and its activities with the staff of your company/organization.
What is wellness at work?
Basically, the support that ensures the employee has all the tools and guides to feel good about themselves, their work, and their results.
Acquirable by different means, either by the leadership in a department, activities developed by the company, such as cultural weeks, sports, incentives, or specialty workshops.
Another way to understand it is to ensure-through different means- the employee’s physical and mental well-being.

What can we expect if we take care of our general well-being?
We can find many variants that can benefit your company by ensuring said well-being.
Effectively,a survey conducted by CIPD, shares the following points as the most notable:
- A healthier and more inclusive culture.
- Better work-life balance.
- Better employee morale and engagement.
It is important to highlight these benefits because, for a long time, the issue of well-being and especially mental health, was a topic that was not addressed at work.
Fortunately, through different studies, the stigma has been increasingly reduced, and the numerous benefits for both the worker and the company from the levels of production and engagement are demonstrated.
Now, please don’t assume that all of this comes by itself. Despite these topics being promoted more frequently, there is still evidence that not all employees build the trust to speak up about their concerns.
It is everyone’s job.
Precisely because of what was mentioned, it is important to involve all members of the organization or company to resolve the importance of the topic.
Ideally, everyone, from owners, directors, and managers to all involved in their respective operations, is motivated to get involved.
This aims to guarantee the proper development of programs and activities to benefit general well-being.

Some ideas:
Good leadership: One of the most basic ways to ensure that all workers feel good is to have a guide who shows them the scope of objectives through legitimate interest and care for the work environment.
Recognition programs: A topic we have already mentioned in another of our blogs is to have programs that motivate and recognize work and effort. This could be achieved through diplomas, bonuses, or honorable mentions at events.
Activities and specialty workshops: You have area professionals; together, you could lead fantastic activities that share knowledge and skills that many people will undoubtedly appreciate!
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