7 Things to Know Before Outsourcing Call Center Services in 2022
Growing your business goes hand in hand with ensuring the best, fastest, and most efficient customer experience. To ensure growth at a fraction of the cost, outsourcing your call center needs is an efficient method.
It has become clear that customer experience is now the dominating factor in ensuring that businesses stay relevant with their products and services; Microsoft stated in their 2019 survey that 95% of their clients defined customer loyalty through excellent customer experience.
Zendesk also reported in 2019 that 84% of the customers surveyed marked customer experience as a decisive factor in establishing a relationship with a business to acquire products and services.
Since these numbers continue to become more critical, primarily when customers are restricted to their homes due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, ensuring that your call center team’s growth goes hand in hand with customer experience is the most vital factor to investigate.
Moving forward, outsourcing call center operations to a nearshore partner
Reaching your goals can be done by leveraging the outsourcing call center services provided by a BPO, Business Process Outsourcing partner.
The right BPO partner will have the knowledge and experience to assist you in front and back-office operations, reducing your expense footprint while providing you with the right solutions.
When considering outsourcing call center services, you should evaluate which parts of the operation can and should move to your BPO Partner, either inbound or outbound calls. Be it a small or more significant portion of your operation, when handled by the BPO Partner, turning a cost center into a revenue center.
The appropriate BPO Partner will help you in this critical decision-making, ensuring that the transition is seamless and as transparent as possible to key stakeholders who oversee handling the call center operation’s essential tasks.
As mentioned previously, another clear benefit from outsourcing your processes come from the savings on your operation, reducing infrastructure, HR payrolls, bills, and taxes which the BPO world translates to at least a 50% and up to 70% reduction in the general cost of your operation.

Who should be outsourcing call center operations, and why is it important?
The move is clear and straightforward to the larger set of businesses worldwide; outsourcing to the right partner is a sure way to ensure your company can maintain an excellent level of customer experience at a fraction of the cost.
For startups and SMB, Small and Medium Size Businesses, this decision may not be apparent when multiple factors affect the business’s growth and reach. Still, a clear decision to outsource call center operations before rapid growth has started can help remove a considerable strain on fledgling businesses.
Your BPO Partner can provide support through e-mail, live chat, phone, or a combination of these that can be associated all through omnichannel support; the options are dependent on the business’s assessment.
One final consideration to perform stands in the field of return of investment; while smaller businesses can sense outsourcing call center services as a considerable expense, the return of investment becomes substantial when providing the right customer experience to an ever-growing loyal baseline of clients.
Regardless of the size of the industry you serve, the right BPO Partner can ensure that outsourcing call center services becomes efficient and, in the mid-term profitable, upholding your values and making your brand shine with every interaction your clients make.
The leverage of the right partner can also ensure that cultural and linguistic barriers are cut and kept to a minimum, putting your clients in a comfort zone when making critical decisions during the purchase of a product or service.
With the integration of multilingual customer support agents, it is also possible to give support to larger sectors interacting with your business in their language and understanding tendencies and culture, raising the bar for customer experience with a tailored experience.
Final Thoughts: Living the BPO experience through Redial BPO.
Choosing the right partner with the necessary experience in customer service and a deep understanding of your industry can be complex and challenging when considering offshore partners who are not in your time zone, show a cultural barrier, or do not understand your business field.
We have more than 45 years of experience in the BPO Industry and can help you to reap all the benefits with a fast return on investment.
Our focus ensures that your business benefits from a large pool of talent with the right mindset, ensuring that you can start running from the first setup and wow your clients on every interaction.
Leveraging the newest technologies and methodologies in the field, fast communication channels inside your time zones, and in-depth knowledge in your work line, we also ensure that the integration is seamless and beneficial.
If you have questions about what other services you can obtain from outsourcing your Call Center Operations to Mexico, you can contact RedialBPO for more information.
[1] https://info.microsoft.com/rs/157-GQE-382/images/2018StateofGlobalCustomerServiceReport.pdf
[2] https://d1eipm3vz40hy0.cloudfront.net/pdf/The_Zendesk_Customer_Experience_Trends_2019.pdf
[3] https://customerthink.com/call-center-outsourcing-pricing-around-the-world/