Delivering Work-at-Home from the Baja Nearshore
Challenging times call for inventive measures. Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, Redial BPO has remained committed to delivering the best possible outcomes for our clients and their nearshore contact center needs.
That is what their consumers deserve. But what became apparent very quickly was that if Redial BPO was going to ensure seamless delivery, we needed to develop a home-working solution—and fast!
As one of the co-founders of this great company, I am happy to report that Redial BPO is now among the outsourcers in Mexico that can provide clients with a nearshore contact center option alongside work-at-home. This process is new to us, but we are delighted at how it is progressing.
A commitment to quality and care.
To keep our agents safe and healthy, Redial BPO has instituted a series of protective measures in our call center in Tijuana. To complement these efforts, we decided to further this initiative by allowing agents to work from their homes.
Of course, we first identified the campaigns that we felt comfortable sending home with our agents, in order to make certain that they would be appropriate. We then started working with our supervisors to determine the team members that would be best suited to supporting customers from their homes.
Making certain that those agents who were allowed to deliver customer experience from home have appropriate workspaces in their residences was also taken into consideration on who was chosen.

We know How to Keep Information Secure
The next steps in this process involved developing the required legal paperwork for our agents to sign, in order to allow them to perform their duties from home as our full-time employees. This covers their responsibilities, ensuring they take good care of Redial BPO property and technology from their homes.
To be clear, there is no BYOD in our work-from-home program. Redial BPO agents must use our hardware and software. This is vital for us to maintain the important standards that our clients expect.
As well, Redial BPO’s work-at-home approach takes into account compliance and security. Our IT leadership has developed a VPN that connects any home-based agent to our secure network, this ensures a secure back-and-forth flow of data through an encrypted channel.
The use of the internet by our agents at home is filtered and monitored from our servers. Effectively, the experience for Redial BPO agents is identical at home is the same as if they were at our nearshore contact center in the heart of Tijuana.
Fortunately, our work-at-home offering goes beyond compliance and security. It also means a focus on agent management. Redial BPO knows that our best asset is our team of dedicated brand representatives.
For this reason, we have instituted a variety of tools to make certain agents can connect with their teammates, managers or IT support. We want anyone working from home to know that their virtual connection is as solid as if they were in the contact center.
With our first wave of home-based employees up and running, things are off to a great start.
Being Part of the Solution
Redial BPO is proud to have a home-based solution. It is part of a broader and growing offering that we are bringing to the market. This is the first step in providing our clients with a blended customer experience package that combines the best of our Baja nearshore contact center with the power of work-at-home agents. The future of any great contact center company is in its power to adapt to new realities.
While the coronavirus pandemic has been a challenge, this forced Redial BPO to move to the “Work From Home” model and drive another business model for our clients.
At Redial BPO we believe in teamwork and we take pride in our agents for their excellent skills, motivated spirit, and performance-driven mindset. None of this that we do would be possible if it was not for our outstanding team. We understand the importance of teamwork and we thrive to deliver top quality service and outstanding customer satisfaction from our nearshore contact center in Tijuana, Mexico.
For more information about how we can help your business grow, humanize your brand, please get in touch with us and Get a Quote.